The Corner

Freddie Gray Prosecutor Wants to Block Release of Autopsy Report and Other ‘Sensitive’ Documents

From the self-proclaimed paragon of accountability:

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby plans to seek a protective order that would block the release of Freddie Gray’s autopsy report and other “sensitive” documents as she prosecutes the six police officers involved in his arrest.

Mosby told The Baltimore Sun that prosecutors “have a duty to ensure a fair and impartial process for all parties involved” and “will not be baited into litigating this case through the media.”

So, just to recap: Mosby leapt to announce a bundle of charges to appease the “No justice, no peace!” crowd — including an absurd “false imprisonment” charge that was rejected by the grand jury — in a much-feted midday press conference. Then she appeared at a Baltimore concert with Prince, agreed to an interview with Vogue magazine, and, pausing from coordinating a media circus, was guest ringmaster of an actual circus. But now she is emphasizing the need for privacy?

And apparently it’s not just the public she’s trying to keep in the dark:

The move is the latest effort by Mosby’s office to restrict information in the high-profile case. Her office has also sought a gag order to prevent participants from discussing the case in public, and has broken with a long-standing practice by not giving a copy of the autopsy report to Baltimore police.

In a response to Mosby’s latest filing, defense attorneys said Wednesday that they have been denied an outline of evidence and claims against the officers, and have not been allowed to inspect a knife that was taken from Gray during his arrest.

When Michael Brown’s case was taken before a grand jury last fall, the Left condemned the “secrecy” of the grand jury. “Nobody trusts” the grand jury, said Brown family attorney Benjamin Crump on MSNBC. Crump called for a trial “where the evidence could be vetted and everybody could see what happened.” (The evidence was, of course, released — and seemed to confirm the grand jury’s​ decision not to issue an indictment.) Not long after, when a Staten Island judge declined to release grand jury minutes from the Eric Garner case, Rolling Stone announced that the “decision to keep Garner grand jury minutes secret continues the crime.”

But now, when a prosecutor openly sympathetic to the more extreme elements of the “racial justice” movement wants to keep all of the evidence private, secrecy seems to be just fine.

Marilyn Mosby and her backers care about “accountability” — until they are the ones called to account.

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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