The Corner


Free Willy, but . . .

I admire Charles Krauthammer extravagantly (doesn’t everyone?) and agree that keeping Orcas confined for our entertainment is probably cruel. But he asks a question that has a much more obvious answer:  

We often wonder how people of the past, including the most revered and refined, could have universally engaged in conduct now considered unconscionable. Such as slavery. How could the Founders, so sublimely devoted to human liberty, have lived with — some participating in — human slavery? Or fourscore years later, how could the saintly Lincoln, an implacable opponent of slavery, have nevertheless spoken of and believed in African inferiority? While retrospective judgment tends to make us feel superior to our ancestors, it should really evoke humility. Surely some contemporary practices will be deemed equally abominable by succeeding generations. The only question is: Which ones?

It’s simple: abortion. Here’s my take on that subject today. 

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