The Corner

French Court Convicts Siblings of ‘Justifying a Crime’

A French appeals court ruled that a woman, Bouchra Bagour, and her brother, Zeyad, were guilty of “justifying a crime” for sending Bagrour’s son Jihad to school in a T-shirt reading “Jihad, Born September 11, I am a bomb.” Zeyad had made the shirt for his nephew, who was born on September 11. Bagour received a €2,000 fine with a one-month suspended prison sentence and Zeyad received a €4,000 fine with a two-month suspended sentence.

The appeals court’s decision overturns a ruling from earlier this year in which the siblings were acquitted.

The incident took place in September 2012. Bagour claimed that she sent her son to school in the shirt “without stopping to think about” the connection to the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. Zeyad said the shirt was not a symbol of support for the attacks.

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