The Corner

French Ironies

From a reader:

Jonah, some interesting historical ironies concerning units currently in the thick of the fighting , not sure if they have been pointed out:

3rd Infantry Division is also known (since 1918) as “Rock of the Marne” for their refusal to retreat from the Allied line when other (ahem, non-American) units did so. It was also Audie Murphy’s division in WW2.

5th Marine Regiment (along with the 6th) wears to this day on their dress uniforms a “fourragere” (a green braid around the left shoulder) awarded to them by France for their incredible accomplishments at Belleau Wood, Champagne and Soissons in WW1. It is the only distinguishing unit device allowed on any Marine uniform. France renamed Belleau Wood “The Forest of the Marines” after the war.

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