The Corner

Frenchman Comes to The Corner

Reader Fred Gion e-mails:

I need to interview American conservatives living in Paris. I’m directing a

documentary film for French TV on American expats & Election Day…. We’re making this film on American

expats, living in France, and bracing for November 2. So far we are scheduled

to attend, and film, numerous events organized by the Dems. Obviously, the

fans of Jean-François Kerry and Jean Edouard fit nicely among the Bush-bashing

French crowd. And we have a very productive contact with Republicans Abroad in

Paris. But we really need to interview as many Conservatives as possible, half

of our film will focus on the difficulties Americans for Bush-Cheney encounter

“behind enemy lines”… I know that you have a lot of readers among expats

living in the land of cheese eating surrender monkeys (I’m French but I love

that phrase) and I was wondering, that maybe, you could help us with a post on

The Corner…

He can be reached at


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