The Corner


Friday Links

It’s the anniversary of the death of Genghis Khan: founder of the Mongol Empire, prolific spreader of DNA, Conan the Barbarian inspiration, and climate-change hero.

The History of Mac and Cheese.

Like 18th-century CNN, only much cooler: European Printmakers Had No Idea What Colonial American Cities Looked Like, So They Just Made Stuff Up.

Davy Crockett, hero of the Alamo, was born on August 17.

I have a secret. My father is Steve Jobs.

A brief history of posthumous executions.

ICYMI, Friday’s links are here, and include the anniversary of the battle of Thermopylae, an Amish man’s Uber-esque horse and buggy ride-sharing, the 1776 plot (from within) to murder George Washington, and predicting weather with bug sex.

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