The Corner


Friday links

Sunday will be Guy Fawkes Day: On November 5, 1605, he and a group of buddies tried to carry out the “gunpowder plot,” a failed attempt to blow up the British Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. God preserved us, however, from the “secret contrivance and hellish malice of Popish Conspirators.”

How Researchers Uncovered a Massive Void in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend: Here’s DST history (including Ben Franklin’s proposal), stories and video. Related: A new American revolution is starting in New England — against Daylight Saving Time.

French Regulators Approve Human Trial of a Bionic Eye.

The Sticky, Untold Story of Cinnabon.

ICYMI, Tuesday’s links were here, and consist entirely of Halloween-related stuff — history, pumpkins, costumes, and candy.

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