The Corner


Friday Links

The Suez Canal opened on November 17, 1869.

These crabs can grow up to 3 feet long — and hunt birds, a biologist’s video proves.

Watch 245 People Jump Off a Bridge.

The Gettysburg Address was seven score and fourteen years ago tomorrow (November 18) — here’s some history and an excellent brief video with contemporaneous photos and illustrations. Related: Newspaper prints a retraction for 1863 article calling Gettysburg address “silly remarks”; retraction written in the style of Gettysburg Address.

The pigeon’s rump cure for childhood seizures.

My Surprising Career as an “Fake” Reviewer.

ICYMI, Wednesday’s links are here, and include Field Marshall Erwin Rommel’s birthday, are cats, technically, a liquid?, an X-ray murder trial, and how female turkeys choose their mates (and avoid the rejects).

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