The Corner


Friday Links

It’s St. Bartholomew’s Day — some history (including the massacre), a brief documentary, and Monty Python.

What Mathematics Has to Do With the Seven Bridges of Königsberg

U.S. Senate Monorail — A Private Subway System for Senators Under Washington D.C. Since 1909.

It’s the anniversary of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii in a.d. 79.

In the 1960s, the U.S. Government Set Off a Pair of Nukes Under Mississippi.

What could go wrong? Crocodiles have learned to use tools.

ICYMI, Tuesday’s links are here, and include why smartphone screens are three times dirtier than a toilet seat, Dorothy Parker’s birthday (including the weird journey of her ashes), the etymology of ‘orange’, the history of U.S. dollar-bill design changes, and an eye-searing set of awkward Russian glamour photos.

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