The Corner


‘Full Frontal’ Mocks Cancer Patient for His ‘Nazi Hair’

Last night’s episode of “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” featured a segment called “Long Day’s Journey into CPAC,” making fun of the conservative conference that took place a few weeks ago.

The segment mocked a number of men at CPAC who had so-called “Nazi hair,” a reference to a hairstyle for men in which the hair is cut very short on the sides and left much longer on top. Among those jeered at by the video clip was a young man named Kyle Coddington.

But it turns out that Kyle’s haircut was not due to his Nazi sympathies but rather was the result of his stage 4 brain cancer, for which he recently began receiving chemotherapy treatment. Kyle tweeted at Bee early this morning in response to the clip:

Later this morning, Kyle’s sister Megan tweeted about the episode as well, bringing more attention to the incident:

The “Full Frontal” production team eventually removed the video clip from YouTube late this morning, but an editor with OUTSET Magazine (to which Coddington contributes) saved it and posted it to Twitter:

Bee and her producer, Michael Rubens — who filmed the CPAC segment — have since issued separate apologies.

Perhaps this unpleasant adventure will teach Bee and her production team a lesson about using people’s haircuts as evidence of their Nazi beliefs. But given the general tone and quality of the “comedy” on “Full Frontal,” progress towards real humor seems highly unlikely.

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