The Corner

Gay, Celibate, Christian?

The Washington Post talks to Eve Tushnet and others, about the new movement of young Christians affirming both their sexual orientation and traditional Christian teaching. (Eve Tushnet is the author of a new book Gay and Catholic: Accepting My Sexuality, Finding Community, Living my Faith.)

Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, told WaPo there is “growing and widespread admiration” for Tushnet and others including Wesley Hill, who started the blog

Self-described Christians who affirm gay relationships reject celibacy as impractical and unnecessary. (Even the currently out youth minister at McLean Bible Church told WaPo she now thinks gay sexual relationships are okay.)

How do we think about people afflicted with powerful sexual desires to do something the Christian tradition and the Bible has taught is wrong for 2000 years?

How do they think about themselves?

UPDATE: Judging from the comments section, I may have confused people. Tushnet and some other gay Christians are advocating for traditional Christian moral standards: The only acceptable sexual conduct is between a married man and woman. What some traditionalists find troubling about this stance is whether people with same-sex attraction should identify as gay or should eschew the label.

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