The Corner

Generic Dem Lead Shrinking

From a reader:

I haven’t heard much lately about the big change in the generic “Whom do you prefer” question of Democrat vs. Republicans. Real Clear Politics now has that number at 5.4% in favor of democrats. A couple of months ago that number was more than 15%. Maybe this could also be a positive development for congressional elections and keeping a filibuster minority in the senate. Please discuss.

Me: Basically all of my posts today have been procrastination posts as I’m struggling with a magazine piece. So I think I’ll pass on this for now save to say I think Congress is still a mess for the GOP, but this is a very bad omen for Obama who seems to have decided to write-off independents as well as the largely mythological “Obamacons” we’ve heard so much about and simply try to scoop up party-line Democrats (See my discussion with Beinart about this on BhTV). Anyway, more thoughts later. But other Cornerites are free to chime in.  

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