The Corner

Gerbil Story

It’s a HAMSTER, not a GERBIL, Jpod.  But this is one of those things people never get straight, like tortoise (feet) vs. turtle (flippers).

You want gerbil stories?  I got gerbil stories.  

My sister Judith was an elementary school teacher.  One of her classes had a pet gerbil, which of course the kids adored.  One day the gerbil went missing.  Kids heart-broken.  Still missing after several days. 

Then, cleaning up after class, Judith happened to disturb a folding table stacked in one corner of the classroom.  The leaves of the table came apart, and there, reduced to two dimensions, was the gerbil.  Judith: “I can handle any classroom situation so long as I have a pair of rubber gloves.” 

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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