The Corner

Get the 689 Reasons Poster — Just $9.99!

We assure you: At a big 2 feet by 3 feet, you’ll be able to see all of the 689 reasons NR editors have cited for the necessary defeat of one Barack Hussein Obama. Big, bold, colorful, printed on high-quality gloss paper, sent to you all nice and neat and encapsulated in one of those fancy tube mailers, ready to hang in any College Republican’s dorm, to adorn the wall of any had-it-up-to-here business owner’s family room, to politicize the cubicle of any over-taxed guy still lucky enough to have a job in the Obama economy, ready to broadcast to the obnoxious in-law or the naïve neighbor  just why the past four years have been a disaster and why Four More Years can’t be an option, this complete rendition of National Review’s recent, wildly popular collection of the 689 Reasons to Defeat Barack Obama is a must for you, and quite affordable at only $9.99, which includes shipping and handling. And it will also include this free no-risk offer: a six-month, 12-issue trial offer subscription to National Review Digital, the “e” version of the beloved magazine. Our 689 Reasons poster is a great gift. Order direct and exclusively from the NRO Store, right here.

NR Staff comprises members of the National Review editorial and operational teams.
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