The Corner

Get Me Rewrite

I’m about to head out to the airport. But I thought this might be worth throwing into the blog-o-matic. From a reader:


K-Lo posted a link to a DE site on the Katie’s restaurant thing. An eagle-eyed commentator there pointed out that CNN has changed the debate transcript to read: “Can I respond? Look, all you have to do is go down Union Street with me in Wilmington OR go to Katie’s Restaurant or walk into Home Depot with me where I spend a lot of time…” (Emphasis mine obviously). The commentator believes that it was AND. There is a big difference, regardless of the fact that the joint has been closed for over a decade.

Can they do that? I mean, I thought journalists were members of the 4th Estate and had a sacred public duty to be objective and all that.

Keep this anonymous should it be posted….and thanks for all you do.

Update: From a reader:



I am increasingly frustrated with your’s and others assertions that Palin was weak on her attacks.  You and others are absolutely right that she was weak, but don’t create the impression that this is Palin’s fault.  Be sure to direct your (rightful) complaints towards the campaign.


Tucker Bounds was on Brian and the Judge less than 5 minutes ago.  They asked him why the Fannie/Freddie issues are not raised more.  Bounds spoke at length about McCain’s efforts on this 2 years ago.  But on the follow-up when he was asked why they don’t highlight the Dems role in blocking these efforts Bounds response was a very weak “we’re not going to point fingers” and he quickly moved off of the issue.


If McCain is not going to make the point, if the campaign’s spokseman is not going to make this point don’t you believe that they have drilled it into Palin not to go there??


Please keep up the charges on weak attacks but please don’t put that on Palin.  Put it on McCain and the campaign.


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