The Corner

Getting Ahead of Themselves

Thank you, Speaker Pelosi, for this preview of life if there’s a President Obama:

WASHINGTON (AP) – After consulting with Barack Obama, Democratic leaders are likely to call Congress back to work after the election in hopes of passing legislation that would include extended jobless benefits, money for food stamps and possibly a tax rebate, officials said Saturday.

The bill’s total cost could reach $150 billion, these officials said.

The officials stressed that no final decisions have been made. They spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they did not want to pre-empt a formal announcement. House Democrats have announced plans for an economic forum on Monday “to help Congress develop an economic recovery plan that focuses on creating jobs and strengthening our economy.”

Expect big-government goodies — money for nothing and your socialism for “free” — until a Repblican is looked to try to undo it all in four.

Thanks to this preview, Americans should be taking a second look. Will they? Wake up! Good morning! There’s still an election going on. Contrary to Obama-Pelosi-Reid posturing, it ain’t over yet.

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