The Corner

Gibbs: Obama ‘Stopped Trying’ to Change Washington ‘Long Ago’

Given the current challenges facing the Obama administration, former press secretary Robert Gibbs thanked God he’s not in the White House anymore. He thinks tonight’s state of the union address will likely bring few meaningful results because of the White House’s lack of interest.

“The ability to change Washington I think is something that long ago the White House sort of stopped trying to do,” Gibbs said on MSNBC on Monday. “Whether or not that’s a good thing, we will look back on [in] history.”

Gibbs warned that the president’s address could ultimately end up being “just another speech out of Washington” with little impact. “There’s everything in this speech that the public wants to hear — the public just doesn’t simply think that this group of people assembled in this room is remotely capable of solving those problems,” he said.

Via The Weekly Standard.

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