The Corner

Gingrich: Obama/Holder Racial Divide a ‘Tragic Failure of Leadership’

Former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich called the country’s growing racial divide under President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder a “tragic failure of leadership.”

“There’s a dual requirement here,” CNN personality Gingrich said in an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation. “You have the first African-American president. You have an African-American attorney general. And six years into their effort we are in some ways further apart, not closer together. That’s a tragic failure of leadership.”

Host Bob Schieffer incredulously asked whether Gingrich was blaming Obama for the nationwide increase in tensions between black Americans and police during his presidency.

“I’m saying the president spends a lot of his time saying things that are divisive, automatically jumps to conclusions about things he doesn’t know,” said Gingrich. “I’m saying the attorney general clearly has given speeches that are divisive. And I’m just suggesting to you, just as a tragic lost opportunity, you would think that six years into the first African-American presidency, there would be a sense of us coming closer together. That hasn’t happened.”

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