The Corner

Gingrich Rules Out 2014 Senate Run

Over the past few days, I’ve been speaking with Georgia Republicans about Senator Saxby Chambliss. Chambliss, as you’ve probably heard, has been backing away from the Norquist pledge, and several conservatives are increasingly interested in challenging him in the 2014 Republican Senate primary. The latest PPP poll shows Chambliss vulnerable, especially to a nationally-known conservative contender, such as former presidential candidate Herman Cain.

Another name being mentioned in Peach State conservative circles is former House speaker Newt Gingrich, who once represented the Atlanta suburbs. “Gingrich is reportedly telling Chambliss intimates not to worry — that is, for now,” wrote Georgia political consultant Matt Towery in a blog post last week.

Gingrich, however, told National Review Online in an email today that he has “explicitly no interest” in running for Senate.

Other well-known Republicans, such as Representative Tom Price, Representative Paul Broun, and former Georgia secretary of state Karen Handel, have not yet decided about whether they will run.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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