The Corner

A Good Cause

If some of  you out there want to give more in this season of giving, you may want to check out this NYT story today about a sad turn of events in Iraq.  In particular, see the last few ‘graphs for what appears to be a very, very worthy cause. 

Here is the backstory on this very exceptional young man.

UPDATE:  A reader sends along the following:


I talked with Mrs. Childs this morning and she sent me the donation information. His parents are in the air now on their way to D.C. now and Dustin is due to arrive at Andrews then Bethesda later tonight.

Should anyone ask, a donation account has been opened for Dustin and his family at Bank of America.  Anyone wishing to make a donation may take it to any Bank of America or simply send to:

Dustin E. Kirby Medical Fund

c/o Bank of America

2765 Veteran’s Memorial Hwy

Austell, GA  30168

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