The Corner

Google Rises to the Occasion


UPDATE: Readers complain:

Not to split hairs too much, but you’ll notice that the bald eagle is

carrying an olive branch (suggestive of the great seal).  It does not,

however, appear to be carrying the cluster of arrows that it does on

our national emblem.

I disagree that Google has risen to the occasion.  I think they’ve

gone with a remodeled “peace is patriotic” bumpersticker.  They just

couldn’t bring themselves to do something “American” without making some

kind of signal about current policy.


Subject: You’re being played!


Hey Kathryn,

I checked earlier today (GMT) to see if they would do 

anything for the 4th and there was no special graphic.  Then I just 

followed your link and the Google logo looks -on my screen- like it 

always does.

Then I realised that they must not be showing the patriotic logo to 

international visitors to from outside the US.  Weasels.

Just thought your readers should know that Google hasn’t changed.  

It’s just trying to trick Americans into thinking it has, while 

giving a nudge, nudge, wink, wink to the rest of the planet.

Ryan, Canadian in Scotland


UPDATE: One more (of many): “I don’t know what to say about the guy in Scotland, but that eagle is MOST DEFINITELY holding arrows in his left talon. It’s not even that hard to see. There are three of them.”

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