The Corner

For GOP, It’s Saint Crispin’s Day, or Something Like That

President Obama, dust off your Shakespeare.

Several GOP sources tell National Review Online that conservative Hill staffers are using the Bard to inspire their bosses.

GOP staffers, sources say, are forwarding the famous Saint Crispin’s Day speech from Henry V, hoping to inspire Republicans to pass “cut, cap and balance,” a legislative package introduced by the Republican Study Committee in the House.

Next week, House Speaker John Boehner pledges to bring the RSC plan to the floor. If passed, however, it will face an uphill climb in the Democrat-controlled Senate. On a quiet Friday, aides aim to rally conservatives as that battle nears.

Of course, this news will delight Republicans, but Democrats may grumble. Obama, the great orator, uses peas to make his case. But those rabble-rousers on the right? Those happy few, this band of brothers? They turn to Shakespeare.


Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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