The Corner

GOP Rep.: Cruz, Senate GOP ‘Abused’ Us

House Republicans are no longer going to keep “a lid on” their anger after Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and other Republican senators “bullied” the House to take up the lead on defunding Obamacare before reneging on that effort, according to one GOP representative. After the House moved to vote on the matter, Cruz and others released a statement conceding that the Senate would not have the votes needed.

“I’ll have to tell you what — you should have been on the floor or back in the cloakroom, there was so much anger, so much frustration,” Sean Duffy of Wisconsin said on Morning Joe on Friday morning. “We’ve been abused by these guys for so long.”

“What I see happening now is people coming out and calling them out for the hypocrisy of these big, tough conservatives who know how to fight, but never get in the ring,” Duffy continued.

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