The Corner

GOP Rep Looks to Use Appropriations Bill to Curb Power of IRS

The House of Representatives on Monday evening will begin considering a Financial Services appropriations bill that funds the Department of the Treasury, including the IRS.
Illinois representative Peter Roskam will attempt to use the legislature to curb the power of the agency, which has been under fire since it revealed in May 2013 that it inappropriately targeted conservative non-profit groups seeking tax exemption. According to a GOP aide, Roskam will introduce an amendment that would reallocate $10 million from the IRS’ enforcement office to the office that advocates for taxpayer rights, the National Taxpayer Advocate’s office.  

This is Roskam’s second bite at the apple: In June 2013, the House passed a bill that would have prohibited the IRS from making any inquiries about the religious and political beliefs of U.S. citizens; it was never taken up by the Senate. Now, he is attempting to use the power of the purse to push back on the agency that many Republicans charge has spun out of control. 

We’ll see what happens. 

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