The Corner

Politics & Policy

GOP Representative John James Introduces Bill Tackling Foreign Money in Higher Education

Rep. John James, nominates Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, for Speaker of the House on Thursday, January 5, 2023. (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

The ongoing House GOP speaker fight hasn’t stopped some members from introducing legislation on the floor. On Friday, Representative John James (R., Mich.), who holds a swing seat, introduced the Disclose GIFTs (Getting Investments in Foreign Transactions) Act. The bill would amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to impose stricter disclosure requirements on faculty and staff at higher-education institutions that receive gifts or enter into contracts with foreign entities.

“For too long, foreign adversaries like the Chinese Communist Party have infiltrated academia to spy on the United States, steal our information, and gain a foothold in our government,” James says in a press release announcing the bill. “The national security implications should alarm all Americans. If faculty and staff at American institutions are under foreign influence, the least we can do is ensure that the United States government is aware and monitoring it. This bill is an important step toward accountability.” 

Here’s a good summary of the bill in the Washington Examiner.

Keep your eye on James ahead of 2024. The rising Michigan GOP star is expected to face a competitive reelection race next fall after eking out a narrow first-term victory in the 2022 midterm elections.

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