The Corner

The Gotham Grovel

Surely, a Gore or a Kerry sees the U.N. not as a place to send an ambassador and fight for democracy, free enterprise, and a good pinch of the culture of life, but as a place where America goes to grovel. Tell us how we deserved 9-11! Tell us how our grievous ethnocentrism and our failure to understand the practice of Islam (thanks, Peter Jennings)is costing us the love of Third World satrapies and dictatorships. In other words, they’d rather send a Sally Field (You like me! You really like me!) than a Jeane Kirpatrick.

Media bias point: if he had time to lay it all out, the evidence (or lack of it) is glaringly obvious. No bloated government institution that sits in the United States gets more Shoeshine Boy national-media-elite groveling than the United Nations. We want scrutiny of the UN, Peter Jennings and friends, not just the US.

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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