The Corner

Goths at the Gates? Tommyrot!

Andrew posted on Monday about the British admiral who was warning of an oncoming crisis akin to the barbarian invasions of Rome.  I thought it a little over the top, myself, so I asked a friend who lectures in security issues what he thought.  He provided the following, robust response:

Ah yes, the Goths are coming! My wife and I had a good laugh reading that over the weekend. Here’s the deal: the MOD appoints somebody to dream up future scenarios of possible threats, so guess what, he dreams up future scenarios of possible threats!! All of which conveniently happen to justify further defence spending. Also, he conveniently comes out in favour of all the MOD’s favourite hi-tech expensive new toys – though how exactly ‘robots, drones, nanotechnology, lasers, microwave weapons, space-based systems and even “customised” nuclear and neutron bombs’ are meant to help us combat the danger of gradual, creeping mass immigration, I cannot imagine. As for the idea that in a decade you won’t be able to sail safely in the Med! What a load of absolute tosh!

Self-supporting, bureaucratic budget-justifying, and ultimately quite dangerous garbage of the first order.

Sadly, this sort of thinking has completely taken over the security studies world. It really is rot of the highest degree.

It is, of course, not just security studies that this “you never know, we must do something” mentality has taken over.

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