The Corner

Graham to Boehner: ‘For God’s Sake, Form a Joint Committee’ for Benghazi

Senator Lindsey Graham stipulated a number of next steps he and congressional Republicans need to take to move forward on the Benghazi investigations, and called on John Boehner to create a joint select committee in the House to address “the stove-piping problem.”

“To Speaker Boehner: Please, for god’s sake, form a joint committee to get away from the blame game and find out exactly what happened,” the South Carolina Republican said on Fox & Friends on Monday morning. He included praise for House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa’s efforts in the investigation thus far.

He also vowed to block any presidential appointments from moving forward until the Obama administration made the Benghazi survivors availble to Congress. “We need to get to the bottom of this,” he said.

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