The Corner

The Graying of Jonah

A reader makes a not uncommon observation:


Although I’m very busy today and shouldn’t so much as be checking the Corner, I clicked through and read your old article on transgendering. Then I thought back a bit on some of your older writings, the ones that first made you (in the words of Jay Nordlinger) “America’s Sweetheart.”

What struck me is how much you’ve mellowed. For instance, the adjectives you use while still lively and amusing are now more considered and constructive. The tone has certainly changed from the kiss-my-big-conservative-@#$ it was. I think this is wonderful, frankly, as it has followed and influenced my own personal growth from angry quasi-libertarian to (what I hope is) a more thoughtful, well-rounded conservative.

What, pray tell, affected this change? Fatherhood? Husbandhood? An actual audience?

Me: I don’t know what the #$%^&! this guy is talking about.

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