The Corner

Greenpeace’s Santa Warns that Global Warming Could Cancel Christmas

In a rather dark video by Greenpeace, Santa Claus warns children that Christmas might be canceled because of global warming.

Jim Carter of Downton Abbey plays a dirty and bedraggled Santa Claus speaking directly to the camera in a dark room as lights flicker and water drips from the ceiling to puddles on the floor.

“Dear children, regrettably I bring bad tidings,” the video begins. “For some time now, melting ice here in the North Pole has made our operations and our day-to-day life intolerable and impossible and there may be no alternative but to cancel Christmas.”

Santa then tells the children that he has written to every world leader, including Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin, and that he has put them on his naughty list because of their indifference. Santa continues, “My home in the arctic is fast disappearing, and unless we all act urgently, then I have to warn you of the possibility of an empty stocking forevermore.”

The video ends urging people to go to and sign the petition to protect the Arctic. “The North Pole is only a frozen ocean and it’s melting away faster and faster,” the website says. “His warehouse is flooded. All the presents are ruined.”

The website ads that oil companies are trying to drill in the Arctic around him and that the oil, when it is used, “will make the melting of the Arctic all the quicker.”

Via Jammie Wearing Fools.

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