The Corner

Hackett On The “Un-American” Right

In one of those congratulations-on-your-loss interviews on the radical-left Pacifica network, Ohio’s Paul Hackett keeps finding that Bush and conservatives are “un-American.” I thought liberals hated that word.

AMY GOODMAN: You have called George Bush the greatest threat to this country. Why?

PAUL HACKETT: I think that any president, be he or she democrat or republican, who cultivates a sense that political dissent is unpatriotic, is dangerous. And I believe that this administration has cultivated a — almost a — forgive me, I’m so tired — he has cultivated a sense that political dissent is unpatriotic, and that is completely un-American.

And later, he does it again:

Well, I think everybody by now knows I’m pro-choice. And I think that is the only choice. I mean, the very simple way I explain that is I don’t need Washington, D.C. coming into my personal life, telling me, you know, how to live my personal life or dictating to my wife what choices she makes with her doctor. And not only is that un-American, it’s contrary to the Republican Party, as best known by perhaps Barry Goldwater.

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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