The Corner

Half-Heartedly, I Went to Daily Kos . . .

. . . I was curious if, like some of the commentators on MSNBC, the Kossacks would be upset that the Obama speech had too much war (even if grad-student level theory). What I found was a case for how Obama in Oslo today is “Aiding the Reappearance of the Christ.”

It is known in many esotericists’ circles, that before the Christ will reappear, there must be a measure of Peace in the world!  President Obama is helping to restore that peace. . . . 

President Obama’s commitment and work has been to restore peace.  He is and has accomplished this through his diplomatic efforts of talking to other countries instead of threatening war.  And, as we know, the whole world’ economic system has collapsed and we must begin to work on Sharing the world’s resources.  Pres. Obama has spent much time abroad in helping to bring about economic sharing and stability.  And, could it be that President Obama’s efforts in Afghanistan is to try to route out the opposing forces of evil? . . .

Not for nothing is the term “a ray of hope” evoked in journalistic circles in contrast to the gloomy background of world affairs. Diana Mukkaled, a prominent and respected journalist in the Arab world, remarks that “Obama possesses a particular ability to push matters towards hope, not only in America, but also in the rest of the world. Perhaps the Nobel Peace Prize will contribute towards making this hope a reality, particularly in our countries that are drowning in despondency and despair.”

UPDATE: One e-mail consensus: Tim LaHaye does not have rising competition here.

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