The Corner

Happy Reformation Day!

Yes, everyone seems to be under the delusion that the significance of October 31 is that it’s Halloween, but we Lutherans know better. On this day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door in Wittenberg. I realize there’s a preponderance of Catholics here at NR, with just me and Chaka in the background bellowing “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” Regardless, I’m happy that after 500 years it’s fairly safe to say that Lutherans and Catholics are more united by our common goals and enemies than a rift from five centuries ago. But in honor of today’s occasion, I’ll do the 21st century equivalent of nailing the theses to the door, and link to this amazing YouTube rap about the 95 theses, which Luther himself would undoubtedly approve of. I highly reccommend it for Lutherans, Catholics with a sense of humor, theology nerds and Jay-Z fans. Now that has to be an unlikely Venn diagram…

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