The Corner

Hark, The Harold Sings

Harold Meyerson touts the Democratic-turnout professionals who will clean Republican clocks in 2004 in today’s WashPost. He thinks that Kentucky and Mississippi results mean nothing, that the real news was a Democrat won the mayor’s race in Philadelphia. (?) He does not consider that maybe, just maybe, the FBI will discover evidence the mayor is a crook before next year’s elections.

He also touts megalomaniac moneybags George Soros. Is is just me, or is the left’s appearance of idealism on “campaign finance reform” crumbling into dust? Democratic groups are all lining up to pour acid on McCain-Feingold to get Bush. Howard Dean is forgoing spending limits, and groups like Common Cause knuckle under and suggest that’s understandable?? Conservative media outlets and talk shows ought to be talking about how all that “reform” talk is now looking less like principled action, and more like an attempt at a self-interested partisan fix.

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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