The Corner

Hatch Blames Shutdown, ‘Couple of Senators,’ for Cuccinelli’s Loss

Senator Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) laid the blame for Ken Cuccinelli’s narrow loss in Virginia’s gubernatorial election on his colleagues who led the effort that resulted in the government shutdown.

“Cuccinelli would have won if a couple of senators hadn’t shut down the government,” Hatched told Fox News on Thursday morning. If the Virginia race had been able to focus in on the botched Obamacare rollout rather than the shutdown, Cuccinelli would have pulled it out, he said.

Hatch also went after the “dog” of a law that is Obamacare, saying that yesterday’s Senate Finance Committee hearing with Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius left him believing even more than he had before that a delay is needed. “I think they’re stupid not to get a delay,” he said.

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