The Corner

Hatch’s Cash

There are many reasons why Senator Hatch will probably win tonight, but his cash advantage is a key factor. National Journal reports:

FreedomWorks, the conservative group seeking to take down Sen. Orrin Hatch, spent over $800,000 on the Utah race leading up to the April convention, the day that the organization decided to back Liljenquist. But the group’s Vice President, Russ Walker, told Hotline On Call Tuesday morning that he estimates the group has only spent about $200,000 in the nine weeks since that date – hardly enough to level the playing field against Hatch’s millions of dollars.

The [Club for Growth], which was influential in unseating then-Sen. Robert Bennett at the 2010 Utah Republican convention was nowhere to be found in the fight against Hatch, who had super PAC support and the Chamber of Commerce in his corner. He also had a stranglehold on the fundraising pipeline.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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