The Corner

Haven’t the Griswolds Suffered Enough? Atlantic Promotes ‘National Vacation Policy’

Derek Thompson has a silly post over at The Atlantic: “The Only Advanced Country Without a National Vacation Policy? It’s the U.S.”

There’s no wrong way to celebrate American exceptionalism, but this might not be the best candidate for cheering this July 4th Week: The United States is practically the only developed country in the world that doesn’t require companies to give their workers time off.

He has a colorful graphic showing 19 OECD countries whose governments mandate paid holidays and/or paid annual leave. At the end of the graph is the United States, with a disheartening zero.

“Still, don’t blame Washington. Blame yourself,” he scolds, citing statistics that Americans don’t take advantage of the paid vacation they already receive. “The United States’ long-hour culture permeates both our day-to-day family choices and our national laws, creating an up-and-down feedback loop of industriousness.”

Thompson at least has this right: Nothing quashes industriousness among citizens like government intervention.

Among the countries whose governments mandate more than 25 working days of paid vacation: France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland, and Greece.

And, of course, those countries are doing so well.

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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