The Corner

With ‘Fixed,’ Ohio Woman Sees Severe Sticker Shock

The administration has been pushing the narrative that the website is now fixed and that people are able to get affordable care. However, that’s certainly not the case for one Ohio woman.

Liz Binns told Newsnet 5 that the federal health-care exchange was no salvation for her and her husband. He has a preexisting condition and a job that doesn’t offer coverage. However, the cheapest plan she was able to find on the federal health-care exchange has a premium over $400 and a $5,000 deductible.

“I can’t afford it. I cannot afford it,” Binns said. She predicted that she would be able to pay off such costs only with “at least a second job and praying that I would make enough.”

Binns has been attempting to use the site since October and says she isn’t sure what her next course of action will be.

“I thought this was going to be the miracle for us and it’s not,” Binns said.

Via Hot Air.

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