The Corner

Hello, faddah, hello, mama, here I am at Camp Obama

There are, as it turns out, three Americas: one where John Edwards is livin’ it up on a gazillion dollars a year; one where you’re rubbing along on much less; and one where downtrodden hardworking folks are struggling to make ends meet on half-a-million a year. Byron quoted this heartreaking vignette from Obamaland a week or so back:

“We spend between the two kids, on extracurriculars outside the classroom, we’re spending about $10,000 a year on piano and dance and sports supplements. And summer programs… Do you know what summer camp costs?”

Don Surber responds to Princess Michelle:

Well, actually I don’t. None of my kids went. I spent a week once at Camp Wanakee…

In 2005, Mrs. O’s salary was $316,962 at the University of Chicago Hospital. She’s a lawyer, not a doctor.

Hubby’s pay as a U.S. senator topped $160 K that year.

If you are struggling to make ends meet on a half-million a year — a 1040 that puts you in the top 2% of Americans — then the problem is you, not the country.

Still this woman, who was never proud of America when her husband was elected to the state legislature or even the United States Senate, whines and whines and whines.

America is, she said, “just downright mean.”

“Yes, we can!” says Obama. But not on a mere 500 grand a year.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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