The Corner

Help–Blegging Critic in Glass House

Yesterday, Jonah upbraided me for too much blegging. It cast my mind back to one of the great blegs of all time. As I recall it went something like this:


Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghh. I missed my 2:30 p.m. flight. Usually it only takes 20 minutes to get to the airport, but today it took 25 minutes. I told the cab driver not to take Rock Creek Parkway, but he took Rock Creek Parkway, and the traffic was really bad, especially the ½ mile right before the airport, so I didn’t make it. So this is what I need. If anyone out there knows anyone from Maine who knows anyone from Orono who knows anyone from University of Maine who knows anyone from the speakers program, ask them whether it’s worth me buying a ticket with my credit card on the 4:45 p.m. flight. When you have an answer, please e-mail me, subject-header: “Re: Jonah, go-ahead and buy a ticket with your credit card on the 4:45 p.m. flight.” If it’s too late, please tell head of the speaker’s program Mary Robinson that I feel terrible and this is the worst thing I’ve done since I misremembered last week the number of Tribbles that fell on Captain Kirk’s head during the 32nd minute of the “Trouble with the Tribbles” episode. (I know, I know, it was 19, not 17. I still maintain a few the Tribbles weren’t fully mature so shouldn’t really count as whole Tribbles—-but I’m in no position to argue at the moment people!) If you talk to her, please e-mail me, subject-header: “Re: Jonah, I told Mary Robinson that you feel terrible and this is the worst thing you’ve done since you misremembered last week the number of Tribbles that fell on Captain Kirk’s head.” Thanks. If I don’t make it, I’m just going to have to go home and relax by giving the old Wonderdog a good long hot soak in the tub. Gotta run, but if you want to hear more details about Cos hygiene just e-mail, subject-header: “Re: bubblebath.”

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