The Corner

Here’s The Thing

Here’s why Bush’s reaction (so far) has been

inadequate. I watched the CBS Evening News just now. They broadcast a

jaw-dropping report from refugee encampments atop the interstates in New

Orleans. Folks, it was one of the most heart-wrenching thing I’ve ever seen.

I can hardly believe this is our country. There were plenty of desperate

people stuck there under the boiling sun, with no food, no water, no nothing

– including mothers with babies. There was an elderly woman sitting on the

curb next to the covered body of her husband, who died waiting to be

rescued. She said that she’d flagged down a passing cop to ask for help, and

all he could tell her was to move the body of her husband of 53 years out of

the way, so the smell of his decomposition didn’t bother people. CBS showed

the covered corpse of a man the refugees said jumped from the interstate to

his death in despair. These people have NOTHING, and they’re growing

desperate. The human drama playing out in Louisiana now beggars description.

We don’t need mere emoting — the hapless Gov. Blanco shows how useless that

is. But we do need our president to make an emotional connection of some

sort with his suffering countrymen. You can be tough, competent AND

emotional. It’s called Giuliani 101.

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