The Corner

Hillary Clinton: Late-Term Abortion Extremist

Democrats love to talk about how “extreme” Republicans are on abortion. “What about rape and incest,” they protest? The reality is that rape and incest make up an extremely small percentage of the situations in which abortion is the end choice.

And, let your uninformed friends know please, Republicans and conservatives do not support arrest or punishment for women who receive abortions. Democrats continue to peddle that lie. Thanks, Donald Trump — your ignorance knows no bounds. 

Trump made that ridiculous comment because he doesn’t care about the issue and has no idea what conservatives who have been fighting for life for decades think in any way, shape or form. Thanks for misrepresenting us so egregiously!

Anyway, on to the real extremists on abortion — Democrats. Specifically, Hillary Clinton. Multiple times in past months, she has admitted a child — “hours before birth” — has no Constitutional rights. A full term, 40-week unborn baby could survive on it’s own outside the womb for close to 20 weeks before birth — that’s four months

Premature babies have survived as young as 21 weeks — so I guess if we’re going to have to allow legal abortions — isn’t it only natural to close that legality at the time of viability? I’d rather not compromise life for any child at any stage, but if pro-choicers were going to the slightest bit reasonable, it seems like 20 weeks would be a great starting point. 

I’m guessing that’s where the 20-week abortion ban comes from. It’s around that time that those little guys and girls could make if their moms went into labor early. Little guys like Micah, featured it his ad from Susan B. Anthony List: 

Pro-choicers scoff when we bring up full-term babies or late-term abortion, saying that that is rarely the case when a mom chooses abortion. It’s true, the majority of abortions do take place in the first trimester. It’s also true that rape and incest are an even smaller percentage of pregnancies than are the number of late term abortions. 

If you want to play the “extremist” game, that’s fine. What’s more extreme? Believing every life is inherently valuable and deserves a chance from the very first heartbeat at 30 or so days in — or choosing to end the life of a viable baby in a procedure which, if you saw it on video, would probably make you say it’s not okay anymore?

You may not have liked the undercover Planned Parenthood videos (I guess editing for bathroom breaks makes them “fake”) but if you watched them, you saw a pan of fingers and toes. You heard a doctor saying, “It’s another boy,” and, “This one’s a twin.” That wasn’t fake. That happens everyday. Are you prepared to live with a president who will sacrifice these precious lives because it makes Planned Parenthood (which also protects rapists . . . but that’s for another day) like her? Because she can peddle infant genocide as “women’s healthcare?” 

Well, you have to live with yourself then. 

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