The Corner

Politics & Policy

Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, and ‘Gutsy Women’

Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton arrive for an event for their new book The Book of Gutsy Women in New York City, October 3, 2019. (Jeenah Moon/Reuters)

Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton have released a new book entitled The Book of Gutsy Women. You can probably buy it on Amazon, but you shouldn’t.

The two-headed hydra went on Emma Barnett’s BBC radio program to discuss their new book. Barnett asked the two women why, in a book ostensibly about powerful women, they don’t include Margaret Thatcher, who, by any objective measure, was a “gutsy woman.”

Hillary told Barnett that Thatcher was not “trying to make a positive difference” for women, and said Thatcher “doesn’t fit the other part of the definition in our opinion, which really is knocking down other barriers for others and trying to make a positive difference.”

All of which is nonsense– Thatcher presided over a period of massive economic growth that helped men and women alike; average earnings rose 181 percent during her time in office, compared to a mere 63 percent in the 11 years after– but it shows that the Clintons and their ilk care more about factional rhetoric than tangible improvements in the lives of women.

They talked plenty about the word “gutsy” in the interview, but not a lot about “women.” What, exactly, is a woman? And how do Hillary and Chelsea know?

Be careful with your answers, ladies.

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