The Corner

Hillary Clinton Named 2013’s ‘Most Fascinating Person’

For the third time since she started the list in 1993, Barbara Walters has picked Hillary Clinton for the “Most Fascinating Person of the Year.” During their interview, Clinton avoided answering whether or not she would run for president in 2016, but she offered insight on when she will make her decision.

“I will look carefully at what I think I can do, and make that decision sometime next year,” she said.

Despite her uncertainty, she sounded like a candidate, saying she “cares so much about what happens to this country,” while discussing issues such as addressing high unemployment and people getting kicked off of food stamps.

On the importance of having a female president, Clinton said “of course I want to see a woman in the White House.” “It matters,” she explained, pointing to Germany’s Angela Merkel, Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff, and Chile’s Michelle Bachelet as examples.

Clinton was previously named “Most Fascinating Person” in 1993 as first lady and in 2003 as a U.S. senator. As secretary of state, she was named to the “Most Fascinating” list, but not dubbed the top person.

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