The Corner


What Is Hillary Clinton Talking About?

Hillary and Chelsea Clinton were on The View yesterday promoting their new memoir The Book of Gutsy Women, a self-described collection of stories about “the gutsy women who have inspired [us] — women with the courage to stand up to the status quo, ask hard questions, and get the job done.” Never mind that this is the moral equivalent of Bill Clinton writing The Book of Faithful Husbands — men who don’t cheat on their wives, have interns perform sex acts on them in the Oval Office, then lie about it to Congress and the country.

Speaking of which, when Hillary was asked, as she has been many times before, about her decision to stay with Bill after learning he was unfaithful, she said that this was, in fact, her “gutsiest” decision of all . . . She then went on to explain that learning your husband is a dirty, filthy cheat but working through it (which may well be commendable, incidentally, if motivated by love) is rather like the challenges that come with learning that your child is transgender (a word, I imagine, she had one of her aides explain in the car ride to the studio).

It’s amazing, really. Hilary Clinton must be one of the most transparently disingenuous politicians to have ever lived. So much so that my own womanly “gutsy” is feeling rather queasy.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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