The Corner

Hillary to Iowa Voters: None of Your Bees Wax

So much for listening tours. From the Des Moines Register:

Iowa Falls – Iowans have noticied that Democrat Hillary Clinton is not taking public questions from audiences during her final-push campaign rallies.

After her 40-minute monologue ended shortly before 10 p.m. Sunday, Clinton immediately began to sign autographs, pose for photographs and listen to caucusgoers’ concerns one on one.

Iowa Falls resident Alene Rickels, 51, when asked her thoughts about the event, said: “Her speech was really good, but it would’ve been interesting to see how she reacted to questions.

“I really thought she would take questions,” said Rickels, a middle school teacher. “It’s late in the day, so I’m assuming that that’s the reason. I don’t know what she did the rest of the day.”

Clinton took no questions from audiences at any of her stops earlier Sunday, in Vinton, Traer and Cedar Falls. 

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