The Corner

Hillary’s Role in SCHIP

The Boston Globe reports that her husband opposed the program when it was created. She was nowhere to be found, says its co-creator, Orrin Hatch (R-Utah).

So how does she get away with this?

In campaign speeches, Clinton describes the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP, as an initiative “I helped to start.” Addressing Iowa voters in November, Clinton said, “in 1997, I joined forces with members of Congress and we passed the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.” Clinton regularly cites the number of children in each state who are covered by the program, and mothers of sick children have appeared at Clinton campaign rallies to thank her.

Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), the bill’s other author and an Obama supporter, offered only this statement when asked about Hillary Clinton’s level of involvement:

“Facts are stubborn things,” he said, declining to criticize Clinton directly. “I think we ought to stay with the facts.”

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