The Corner

Hoffman & the GOP

From our editorial today:

 The growing revolt against Washington is an enormous opportunity for the GOP. Republicans must continue to resist Obama’s statist gigantism, and align themselves with the rising common sense that says we can’t spend our way to prosperity and treat ourselves to (supposed) free lunch after free lunch. And, in their positive program, they should take a cue from figures such as Virginia’s Bob McDonnell, Indiana’s Mitch Daniels, and Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal, who have shown that a fundamentally conservative program can appeal to non-ideological voters when it is focused on tangible quality-of-life issues and presented with good cheer. 

The Right should be encouraged by the fact that Mr. Hoffman’s campaign produced an easy partnership between the Tea Party populists and the Club for Growth, which is very much a traditionally conservative organization both in its philosophy and in its associations.  This represents a political opening, and the Republican establishment would do well to jump on it. Mr. Hoffman has shown that he deserves the support of the Republican party, and now the Republican party should show that it deserves the support of those who found a voice for their concerns in Mr. Hoffman’s campaign. 

Read it all here.

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