The Corner

The Holder Fast and Furious Documents

CBS has put them up.

The two memos do show that Holder was told about something called “Fast and Furious,” but not much else. They’re mostly blacked out.

The e-mail is more damning (“It’s a tricky case given the number of guns that have walked, but it is a significant number of prosecutions”), and a large number of people were CCed and BCCed. I’m going to update this post with a list of their names and titles shortly.

UPDATE: It appears that the e-mail on which many Justice officials were CCed was not one of the damning ones — the damning e-mails occurred when Jason Weinstein, a deputy assistant attorney general, forwarded the mass e-mail (a report from Justice’s Organized Crime and Gang Section, or OCGS) to James Trusty, acting chief of the OCGS, for the purpose of discussing it.

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