The Corner

Holder: I’m ‘Proudly’ an Activist Attorney General

Eric Holder doesn’t mind being labeled an activist. In fact, he embraces it “1000 percent.”

“If you want to call me an activist attorney general, I will proudly accept that label,” he said in an interview with the Hill. “Any attorney general who is not an activist is not doing his or her job. The responsibility of the attorney general is to change things [and] bring us closer to the ideals expressed in our founding documents.”

Holder defended his “activist civil rights division” as part of the effort to work towards those goals, and said it is all part of an effort to help redirect the Department of Justice after it “lost its way” during the Bush years.

Speaking with Juan Williams, Holder reflected on what his legacy will be, saying that his accomplishments and reforms at the Department of Justice will be remembered more than his scuffles with Republicans in Congress, including being held in contempt.

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